
Last names starting with "U"

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Name Location Date
Udell, Eugene V Old Fairview D 10/30/1902
Uhlich, Catherine Garden of the Christus 100C 10/24/2019
Ujka, Louis Garden of the Christus 075C 09/16/1972
Ujka, Treva Garden of the Christus 075C 10/08/1991
Ulsaker, Karl Old Fairview C 03/29/1940
Ulsaker, Lawrence Old Fairview C 05/10/1989
Ulsaker, Mabel Old Fairview C 04/17/2002
Ulsaker, Ole Old Fairview C 07/17/1918
Ulsaker, Oscar Old Fairview C 06/27/1967
Ulsaker, Sissel Old Fairview C 10/12/1949
Ulsaker, Walter Old Fairview C 08/28/1930
Umbreit, Florence Garden of Prayer 097D 06/10/2003
Umbreit, Roy Garden of Prayer 097D 04/19/1994
Unruh, Daniel Garden of Prayer 165C 08/23/2003
Unruh, Joyce Garden of Prayer 165C 10/28/2005