
Last names starting with "R"

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Name Location Date
Rader, Darlene Old Fairview B 04/24/1997
Rader, John Old Fairview B-17-5 06/13/2014
Radig, Alma Garden of the Christus 025C 05/31/1979
Radig, Frances Garden of the Christus 025C 08/31/2003
Radig, Herman Garden of the Christus 025C 10/28/1980
Radig, Victor Garden of the Christus 025C 03/15/2003
Radke, Baby Boy Old Fairview B 02/13/1945
Radke, Fred Old Fairview C 07/09/1917
Radke, George Old Fairview B 10/29/1993
Radke, Henry Old Fairview B 12/28/1933
Radke, Ida Old Fairview C 02/04/1931
Radke, Lena Old Fairview B 04/10/1933
Radke, Marvel Garden of the Christus 042D 07/31/1974
Radke, Melba Old Fairview B 05/31/1990
Radke, Tena Old Fairview C 09/13/1955
Radke, William Old Fairview C 07/03/1931
Radke, William A (Tony) Garden of the Christus 042D 05/11/2009
Radloff, Robert Garden of Prayer 114C 12/01/2003
Radtke, Lyda Old Fairview A 07/07/1910
Raftevold, Bertha Old Fairview C 04/19/1922
Raftevold, Caroline Old Fairview C 04/27/2012
Raftevold, Glenn Old Fairview C 08/19/1991
Raftevold, Lars Old Fairview C 02/17/1972
Raftevold, Olaf Old Fairview C 10/05/1983
Rakstad, Hetty Garden of the Christus 060C 05/22/1984
Rakstad, Monrad Garden of the Christus 060C 01/09/1989
Rall, Melvin Garden of Prayer 068D 07/24/2003
Ramsett, Elsie Old Fairview D 11/24/1968
Ramsett, Harold Old Fairview D 10/11/1933
Raney, Jeremiah Old Fairview D 04/25/1924
Raney, Rebecca Old Fairview D 02/01/1897
Rapp, Elizabeth Old Fairview A 05/22/1923
Rapp, William Old Fairview A 01/07/1941
Rasmussen, Henry Old Fairview C 06/27/1935
Read, Natasha Garden of Peace 2 09/18/2021
Ready, Albert Old Fairview C 04/30/1992
Ready, Betty Old Fairview C 05/14/1982
Ready, Craig Old Fairview C 01/30/1963
Reber, Applonie Garden of Prayer 064C 11/05/1999
Reber, Daniel Garden of Prayer 064C 08/15/2017
Reber, Fred A Garden of Prayer 064C 06/10/1971
Reber, Frederick Garden of Prayer 060D 04/27/2007
Reher, Lena Old Fairview D 06/20/1902
Rehm, Dana Old Fairview C 15-1 06/14/2014
Reinbold, John Garden of the Christus 084D 01/14/2013
Reinbold, Mary Colleen Garden of the Christus 084D 11/16/2009
Reinke, Emma Old Fairview C 11/21/1964
Reinke, John Old Fairview C 09/01/1937
Reinke, Max Old Fairview B 06/18/2024
Reiswig, Bertha Garden of the Christus 170D 02/24/1960
Rensvold, Krista Garden of the Christus 115C 05/01/1992
Reubish, Gary R Garden of the Christus 150C 06/26/2013
Reubish, Genevieve Garden of the Christus 150C 04/26/2017
Reubish, Irving Garden of the Christus 150C 07/25/1984
Revier, LaVaughn Garden of Prayer 068C 01/14/2005
Revier, Lloyd Garden of Prayer 068C 05/22/1985
Revier, Lloyd, Jr. Garden of Prayer 068D 06/27/2009
Reynolds, Christie Old Fairview C 03/23/1970
Rezac, Louis Garden of the Christus 053B 07/10/1969
Rice, Cyrus B Old Fairview D 05/09/1916
Rich, Caroline Old Fairview D 05/04/1936
Rich, Elizabeth Old Fairview D 03/27/1919
Rich, Morgan T Old Fairview D 03/22/1898
Richards, Baby Girl Old Fairview B 01/26/1948
Richards, Charles Old Fairview B 03/10/1920
Richter, Lawrence Garden of Prayer 053D 07/10/2004
Rickert, Allison Old Fairview B 12/14/1984
Rickert, Annie Old Fairview B 10/01/1931
Rickert, Eva Old Fairview B 10/16/1961
Rickert, J A Old Fairview B 02/01/1919
Rickert, Jacob Old Fairview B 01/12/1957
Rickert, Louise Old Fairview B 11/02/1982
Rindahl, Mathias Garden of the Christus 050C 10/25/1976
Rindahl, Violet Garden of the Christus 050C 08/04/1987
Rinnels, Ella Garden of Prayer 039D 11/18/1984
Rinnels, Jacob Garden of Prayer 039D 10/01/1970
Rinnels, LaVern Garden of Prayer 039C 03/28/1998
Rinnels, Mabel Garden of Prayer 039C 12/18/2008
Rinnels, Myllie Garden of Prayer 039D 11/21/2009
Rinnels, Travis Garden of Prayer 039D 08/01/2023
Risbeck, John M Old Fairview C 11/26/1937
Risbeck, Sibyl Old Fairview C 09/10/1942
Risdahl, Peter Old Fairview D 05/11/1983
Rittenhouse, Claude D Old Fairview C 01/11/1937
Rittenhouse, Infant Old Fairview C 09/15/1902
Rittenhouse, Mabelle Old Fairview C 09/17/1949
Roberts, Caroline Garden of the Christus 164C 05/11/1983
Roberts, Harry Garden of the Christus 164C 11/15/1973
Robertson, David Old Fairview D 02/13/1901
Robertson, Harold Old Fairview D 06/26/1913
Robertson, Lena Garden of the Christus 093A 05/19/2005
Robertson, Sylvester Garden of the Christus 093A 06/17/1971
Robinson, Catherine Garden of the Christus 073C 10/10/1978
Robinson, Joseph Garden of the Christus 073C 12/07/1979
Roeder, Clifford Garden of the Christus 019C 05/21/1975
Roeder, Erna Garden of the Christus 010A 05/13/1971
Roeder, Herman Garden of the Christus 010A 11/30/1978
Roeder, Marlys Garden of the Christus 019C 05/24/1996
Rogde, Esther Old Fairview B 09/19/1959
Rogde, Gerhart Old Fairview B 11/21/1966
Rogers, Alvin Old Fairview A 11/29/2004
Rogers, Joyce Garden of the Christus 102D 01/21/1981
Rogers, Nicole Garden of the Christus 102D 06/10/1995
Rogers, Ruth Old Fairview A 06/17/2006
Rooney, Janie Garden of the Christus 059A 01/08/1988
Rosenow, Albert Old Fairview B 04/17/1962
Rosley, Donald Garden of the Christus 177A 05/01/2015
Rosley, Marion Garden of the Christus 177A 09/03/1979
Ross, Rachelle Garden of Prayer 52B 05/08/2021
Rossow, Adeline Garden of the Christus 073D 01/19/2010
Rossow, Arlene Garden of the Christus 073C 01/24/2025
Rossow, Delmer Garden of the Christus 073D 06/14/1986
Rossow, Gene Garden of the Christus 073D 08/17/2012
Rossum, Burnie Old Fairview C 08/28/1946
Rossum, Byron Old Fairview C 05/24/1984
Rossum, Ethel Old Fairview C 02/11/2016
Rossum, Jonetti Old Fairview C 02/26/1981
Rossum, Ralph Old Fairview C 12/31/1954
Roth, Florence Garden of the Christus 038B 03/03/1983
Roth, Jacob Garden of the Christus 038B 10/05/1974
Rovig, Lynnette Old Fairview B 4-4 06/09/2018
Rovig, Pamela Old Fairview B 2002
Rowland, Edgar Garden of the Christus 068C 04/29/1991
Rowland, Ellen Garden of the Christus 068C 06/08/2016
Rudolph, Darlene Garden of the Christus 130A 04/20/2006
Rudolph, R Gordan Garden of Prayer 100B 11/14/2009
Rudolph, Sally Garden of Prayer 100B 05/14/2007
Rudoplh, Walter Garden of the Christus 130A 06/24/1981
Rufener, Arthur Garden of Prayer 114B 10/13/1969
Russell, Frank A Old Fairview C 02/02/1915
Russell, Maude R Old Fairview C 04/15/1908
Russell, Orr Old Fairview C 05/06/1903
Russell, Uretta Old Fairview C 06/29/1916
Rusten, Peter Old Fairview B 03/02/1934
Ruud, Anna Emelie Old Fairview A 03/01/1907
Ruud, James Old Fairview A 08/24/1957
Ruud, James Old Fairview A 08/24/1957
Ruud, John Old Fairview A 10/06/1947
Ruud, Julia Old Fairview A 12/02/1959
Ruud, Sven Old Fairview A 1914
Ruud, Thea Old Fairview A 09/28/1928
Rydell, Catherine Mausoleum Niche 10/21/2016
Rydell, Gerald Mausoleum Niche 01/17/2025