
Last names starting with "Z"

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Name Location Date
Zahrbock, Florence Old Fairview B 10/07/1979
Zahrbock, Leonard Old Fairview B 10/21/1975
Zarske, Fredrick Old Fairview A 04/17/1937
Zarske, Marie Old Fairview A 12/10/1932
Zentgraf, Adeline E Garden of the Christus 072C 01/05/2012
Zentgraf, Bernice Garden of the Christus 053D 04/20/1976
Zentgraf, Dennis Old Fairview B 04/20/1952
Zentgraf, Elaine Old Fairview B 07/17/2004
Zentgraf, George Garden of the Christus 053D 11/22/1971
Zentgraf, John J Old Fairview D 02/19/1937
Zentgraf, Lloyd Garden of the Christus 072C 03/16/1973
Zentgraf, Merle Old Fairview B 10/17/2013
Zentgraf, Sharon Old Fairview B 09/26/1951
Zentgraf, Wilhelmine Old Fairview D 11/02/1932
Ziegler, Breta Old Fairview B 12/08/1984
Zietlow, Ben Old Fairview B 09/15/1958
Zitzow, Edna Garden of the Christus 016A 05/09/1995
Zitzow, John Garden of the Christus 016A 04/26/1996
Zuelsdorf, Alma Garden of the Christus 030D 05/01/1967
Zuelsdorf, Otto Garden of the Christus 030D 09/29/1972