
Last names starting with "M"

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Name Location Date
MacKovicz, Eva 02/01/1964
MacLaughlin, Gertrude Old Fairview C 1986
MacLaughlin, Grace Old Fairview C 10/18/1928
MacLaughlin, Harry Old Fairview C 07/15/1976
Mahler, Lucy Garden of Prayer 114D 06/04/2018
Mahler, Wayne Garden of Prayer 062A 04/19/1979
Malligen, Denise Garden of the Christus 112C 05/24/2019
Malligen, Jordan Garden of the Christus 112C 01/10/2017
Malling, Kathinka Garden of Prayer 029D 05/11/1971
Malling, Soren Garden of Prayer 029D 12/04/1974
Malone, Bula Old Fairview C 06/22/1959
Malottke, Charles Old Fairview C 04/05/1932
Manchester, Julia Old Fairview C 06/04/1949
Mandrell, Jennifer Old Fairview B 10/25/1979
Manikowske, Ethel Old Fairview A 08/28/1954
Manikowske, George Old Fairview A 04/28/1944
Manning, Diane Garden of the Christus 035A 09/17/1981
Manning, Gary Garden of the Christus 035A 05/29/1986
Manning, Helen Garden of the Christus 011D 09/04/1996
Manning, Janice Garden of the Christus 035A 01/04/2024
Manning, Lyle Garden of the Christus 011D 11/09/1970
Manning, Nicholas Garden of the Christus 035A 06/14/1989
Manning, Patrick Garden of the Christus 011D 05/13/1972
Manock, Blanche Garden of the Christus 20B 06/27/2012
Manock, Carol Jean Garden of Prayer 069B 08/04/2018
Manock, David "Jim" Garden of the Christus 069B 06/18/2019
Manock, Lloyd Garden of the Christus 020B 04/10/1998
Manock, Loren P. Old Fairview D 07/23/2013
Manock, Marvin Garden of Prayer 069B 05/18/2009
Manock, Mary Beth Garden of the Christus 069B 03/18/2017
Manock, Melvin Garden of Prayer 072A 05/11/2016
Marks, Garnet Old Fairview B 05/08/1995
Marks, Irene Old Fairview B 08/17/1971
Marks, Robert Old Fairview B 12/03/1963
Marks, Robert Old Fairview B 12/17/0000
Marks, William Old Fairview B 06/07/1945
Marohl, David Garden of the Christus 071C 02/18/1998
Marohl, Esther Old Fairview D 01/16/2025
Marohl, George Old Fairview D 03/19/1951
Marohl, Gerald Garden of the Christus 045C 05/15/2000
Marohl, James Garden of Prayer 007A 11/15/2024
Marohl, John Old Fairview A 11/02/1958
Marohl, Palmer Mausoleum Crypt 03/22/2002
Marohl, Raymond Old Fairview D 11/27/2000
Marohl, Vernon Garden of the Christus 071D 03/24/1981
Marohl, Vilda Mausoleum Crypt 03/02/2000
Marquardt, Edward Old Fairview C 04/11/1962
Marquardt, Wilhelmina Old Fairview C 11/21/1953
Marsh, Giles Old Fairview B 08/19/1926
Marsh, Katherine Old Fairview B 02/23/1939
Marsh, Rhonda Old Fairview B 01/25/1938
Marsh, Ross Old Fairview B 1942
Marten, Albert Old Fairview D 02/03/1972
Marten, Fred Old Fairview D 09/03/1949
Marten, Herman Old Fairview D 04/04/1923
Marten, Irene Old Fairview D 08/06/1987
Marten, Ocenia Old Fairview D 06/16/1926
Marten, Stanley Old Fairview D 05/24/1991
Martin, Donald Old Fairview B 02/25/1935
Martin, Dorothy Garden of the Christus 069A 12/07/1979
Martin, Ethel Old Fairview B 10/25/1972
Martin, Gary Old Fairview B 06/17/1980
Martin, George W Old Fairview B 07/18/1974
Martin, James Garden of the Christus 069A 08/26/1989
Martin, Winnifred Old Fairview B 05/15/1969
Martinson, Baby Girl Garden of the Christus 052D 07/18/1958
Mashek, Edith Old Fairview D 01/10/1955
Mashek, Frank W Old Fairview D 05/07/1947
Mashek, Jacob Garden of the Christus 028A 10/28/1967
Mashek, Jessie Garden of the Christus 028A 08/21/1972
Mashek, Maureen Old Fairview D 06/05/2018
Massey, Ruth Old Fairview C 03/28/1962
Matejcek, David W Old Fairview B 05/30/2014
Matejka, Frank Garden of Prayer 049D 03/02/1967
Matejka, Mary Garden of Prayer 049B 11/04/1964
Matheson, Charolette (Lottie C.) Garden of the Christus 102B 09/17/2027
Matheson, Clara Old Fairview B 08/14/1968
Matheson, Clyde Garden of the Christus 102B 04/25/1998
Matheson, James Old Fairview B 11/02/2001
Matheson, Janice Old Fairview B 08/27/1945
Matheson, Pauline Garden of the Christus 101A 08/04/2001
Matheson, Rosa Old Fairview C 05/12/1976
Matheson, Shirley J Garden of the Christus 101A 05/10/2012
Matheson, William Old Fairview C 03/22/1973
Mathiesen, John Old Fairview C 02/15/1955
Mathiesen, Lena Old Fairview C 04/30/1936
Matt, August Old Fairview C 11/23/1939
Matt, Celestine Old Fairview C 09/30/1972
Matt, Elizabeth Old Fairview C 06/07/1954
Matt, Ella Old Fairview C 08/29/1990
Matt, Henry Old Fairview C 08/07/1935
Matt, Ludwig Old Fairview C 05/08/1975
Matt, Robert Old Fairview C 06/21/1985
Mayer, Annie Old Fairview D 11/07/1938
Mayer, Frances Old Fairview D 04/13/1926
Mayer, Frank Old Fairview D 05/24/1952
McBride, Anna Old Fairview B 05/01/1970
McCabe, Florence Old Fairview D 09/21/1949
McCabe, Isaac Old Fairview D 07/03/1946
McCann, Gerald Garden of the Christus 053D 05/20/1993
McCann, Hedwig Garden of Prayer 013A 04/19/1994
McCann, Lawrence Garden of Prayer 013A 05/19/2006
McCann, Shirley Garden of the Christus 053D 11/04/2017
McChesney, Carolina Old Fairview D 12/30/1934
McClinlock, Baby Old Fairview B 04/13/1920
McClintock, Mary Garden of the Christus 028B 08/31/1983
McClintock, William Garden of the Christus 028B 05/26/1958
McCready, Doris Garden of Prayer 065B 10/14/1993
McCready, Howard Garden of Prayer 065B 09/01/1983
McCullough, Doris Old Fairview D 06/13/1994
McCullough, Franklin Garden of the Christus 093D 05/15/1989
McCullough, George Old Fairview D 07/12/1986
McCullough, George F Old Fairview D 02/18/1947
McCullough, Janice Garden of the Christus 093D 04/09/2010
McCullough, Kenneth Old Fairview D 05/19/1982
McCullough, Lilas Old Fairview D 08/19/2008
McCullough, Marjorie Garden of the Christus 093D 04/29/1983
McCullough, Theckla Old Fairview D 05/04/1949
McDonald, Frances Old Fairview C 01/20/1900
McDougall, Colin Garden of the Christus 043D 04/26/1991
McDougall, Linda Garden of the Christus 043D 05/31/2022
McGaffrey, Thomas Old Fairview B 01/20/1921
McGray, LaVy Old Fairview A 06/23/2006
McGregor, Duncan C Old Fairview C 08/23/1899
McGuire, Elberta Old Fairview D 07/18/1925
McIllwain, Blanche Garden of the Christus 002B 06/26/2002
McIlwain, Walter Garden of the Christus 002B 10/21/1975
McKean, Arthur Old Fairview C 01/12/1960
McKean, Bertha Old Fairview C 02/01/1938
McKean, Charles Old Fairview C 12/15/1915
McKean, Frances Old Fairview C 02/02/1937
McKean, Franklin B Old Fairview C 05/30/1911
McLaughlin, Phineas Old Fairview A 04/12/1949
McLeod, Judith Garden of the Christus 095B 07/16/2021
McManigle, Baby Boy Old Fairview B 04/14/1948
McManigle, Theodore Garden of the Christus 005A 11/15/1981
McMichael, Agnes Old Fairview C 01/10/1905
McMichael, Beatrice Old Fairview C 10/10/1970
McMichael, Harriet Old Fairview C 09/25/1965
McMichael, Marion Old Fairview C 06/23/1920
McMichael, Robert M Old Fairview C 09/18/1919
McMichael, Robert V Old Fairview C 07/06/1935
McMichael, Sarah Old Fairview C 07/25/1962
McMichael, Thomas Old Fairview C 04/08/1920
McMorrow, Darrel Old Fairview B 09/04/1937
McMorrow, Kenneth Old Fairview A 05/21/1929
McQuade, Clarence Garden of the Christus 054C 07/07/1969
McQuade, Larry Garden of the Christus 054C 07/07/2019
McQuade, Olive Garden of the Christus 054C 12/02/1995
McRoberts, Dwaine Garden of the Christus 161B 05/02/1995
Medenwadlt, Leone Garden of the Christus 99D 05/14/2018
Medenwald, Deloris Garden of the Christus 019D 12/10/2014
Medenwald, Ruben Garden of the Christus 019D 12/22/2010
Medenwaldt, Beverly Garden of the Christus 111D 11/17/2015
Medenwaldt, Dennis Garden of the Christus 99D 11/11/2010
Medenwaldt, Harvey Garden of the Christus 11D 06/05/2023
Medley, Dorothy Garden of Prayer 132A 05/30/2003
Medley, Francis Garden of Prayer 132A 06/15/2012
Medley, Richard Garden of Prayer 133B 10/19/2021
Medved, Anna Old Fairview A 12/22/1928
Mehl, Gail M Old Fairview C 10/11/2020
Mehl, George Old Fairview C 09/11/1924
Mehl, Leorra Old Fairview C 05/08/1964
Mehl, Lessing Old Fairview C 01/25/1902
Mehl, Mary Old Fairview C 1904
Meide, Jerome Garden of the Christus 029D 05/17/2011
Meide, Mildred Garden of the Christus 029D 02/06/2001
Melberg, Pearl Old Fairview D 10/15/1973
Melsted, Bjorn Garden of the Christus 085A 06/22/1993
Melsted, Gudrun Anna Garden of the Christus 85A 06/09/2011
Merchant, Donald Garden of the Christus 171C 07/26/2011
Merchant, Richard Garden of the Christus 178B 12/16/2010
Merchant, Robert Garden of the Christus 178B 11/29/1997
Merchant, Viola Garden of the Christus 171C 06/18/2022
Merriel, Elma Old Fairview C 01/11/1964
Mertz, Earnest Old Fairview C 10/08/1910
Mertz, Fannie Old Fairview C 04/30/1924
Mertz, Joseph Bradner Old Fairview C 03/15/1902
Mertz, Paul Old Fairview C 09/27/1897
Metcalf, Anna Garden of the Christus 175C 05/21/1984
Metcalf, Eugene Mausoleum Crypt 03/25/2019
Metcalf, Gail Garden of the Christus 175A 10/20/1990
Metcalf, Onida Garden of the Christus 176A 07/20/1981
Metcalf, Randall Garden of the Christus 175D 05/12/1985
Metcalf, Violet Garden of the Christus 167A 10/02/2003
Meyenberg, Bertha Garden of the Christus 078D 05/17/1982
Meyenburg, Wlliam Garden of the Christus 078D 03/08/2004
Meyer, Alfred Garden of the Christus 169A 1988
Meyer, Allen Garden of the Christus 104C 03/15/2003
Meyer, Alta Garden of the Christus 067B 01/22/1980
Meyer, Alvin Old Fairview D 11/11/1958
Meyer, Anna Marie Garden of the Christus 100B 09/27/1993
Meyer, Arthur Garden of the Christus 067B 06/21/1988
Meyer, August Old Fairview B 11/07/1985
Meyer, Augusta Old Fairview B 03/13/1941
Meyer, Augusta Anna Old Fairview D 07/20/1905
Meyer, Barbara Old Fairview D 06/11/1940
Meyer, Clara Old Fairview D 02/14/1970
Meyer, Gustav Old Fairview B 01/11/1959
Meyer, J K Old Fairview D 01/06/1962
Meyer, James Garden of the Christus 169B 05/13/1991
Meyer, Joseph K, Jr. Old Fairview D 12/31/1953
Meyer, Louise Garden of the Christus 038B 10/05/1993
Meyer, Mary Beth Garden of the Christus 130D 01/10/2008
Meyer, Megan Old Fairview B 04/16/2004
Meyer, Mildred E Old Fairview D 06/22/1993
Meyer, Nellie Garden of the Christus 104C 11/27/1998
Meyer, Otto Garden of the Christus 100B 01/08/1989
Meyer, Paul Old Fairview D 02/21/1952
Meyer, Vera Garden of the Christus 169A 06/30/1975
Meyer, Warren Garden of the Christus 104C 07/15/2002
Meyer (Peterson), Irene Garden of Prayer 077C 05/09/2008
Meyers, James E. Old Fairview D 01/28/1934
Meyers, Lena Garden of the Christus 009A 09/10/1965
Meyers, Walter Garden of the Christus 009A 04/17/1968
Mielke, Hattie Garden of the Christus 027A 10/31/1977
Mikesh, Christin Old Fairview B 11/28/1970
Mikkelson, Christian Old Fairview C 06/21/1938
Mikkelson, Clarence Old Fairview C 12/27/2003
Mikkelson, Elmer Old Fairview A 10/05/2000
Mikkelson, Evelyn Old Fairview A 04/26/1991
Mikkelson, Florence Old Fairview C 12/08/2005
Mikkelson, Gary Old Fairview C 09/04/1939
Mikkelson, Janice Old Fairview C 03/09/1933
Mikkelson, Leona Old Fairview C 03/05/2012
Mikkelson, Linda Old Fairview C 07/13/1942
Mikkelson, Loretta Garden of the Christus 143C 08/04/2001
Mikkelson, Mary Old Fairview C 11/21/1973
Mikkelson, Richard Old Fairview C 12/20/2001
Mikkelson, Robert Garden of the Christus 143C 01/04/1965
Millar, Steve Old Fairview A 10/06/1978
Miller, Alice Jane Garden of the Christus 140B 05/26/2020
Miller, Anna Old Fairview C 01/17/1911
Miller, Arthur Garden of the Christus 029A 06/02/1986
Miller, Arthur H Old Fairview C 01/05/1940
Miller, Arthur M Old Fairview B 10/25/1984
Miller, Arthur P Old Fairview C 10/04/1957
Miller, Berieth Garden of the Christus 050A 09/25/1984
Miller, Beverly Sue Garden of the Christus 139B 08/23/2019
Miller, Catherine Old Fairview C 12/24/2018
Miller, Charldine Garden of the Christus 040C 06/29/2024
Miller, Clarence Garden of the Christus 068A 07/10/2000
Miller, Darrel Garden of the Christus 159D 05/25/2003
Miller, Donald Garden of the Christus 150A 06/26/2014
Miller, Dorothy Garden of the Christus 150A 05/08/2023
Miller, Edith Garden of the Christus 099A 11/18/1964
Miller, Edward Garden of the Christus 064C 12/26/1968
Miller, Eileen Garden of the Christus 099A 02/04/2004
Miller, Florence Garden of the Christus 029A 10/07/1985
Miller, Floyd Old Fairview C 04/26/1932
Miller, Frieda Garden of the Christus 064C 12/10/1984
Miller, Grenville, Sr Old Fairview B 05/30/2019
Miller, Harold (Hal) Garden of the Christus 021C 05/16/1996
Miller, Herbert H Garden of the Christus 050A 07/10/1971
Miller, Ivan Garden of the Christus 140B 04/27/1980
Miller, Leslie Garden of the Christus 099A 05/31/1968
Miller, Marlene Garden of the Christus 127C 10/30/2023
Miller, Mary Garden of the Christus 068A 12/26/1988
Miller, May Old Fairview C 09/22/1968
Miller, Merlyn Garden of the Christus 127C 05/14/2018
Miller, Mildred Old Fairview B 05/26/1983
Miller, Milton Garden of the Christus 022A 07/02/1964
Miller, Robert Garden of the Christus 139B 08/19/2003
Miller, Robert Old Fairview C 05/26/2017
Miller, Ruth Garden of the Christus 021C 05/25/2001
Milligan, Debra Garden of the Christus 049B 10/30/2006
Mirick, Bonita Old Fairview D 02/22/1934
Mirick, Edward A Old Fairview D 12/07/1927
Mirick, Grace Old Fairview D 06/10/1952
Mirick, Lillian Old Fairview D 11/04/1938
Mitskog, Agnes Garden of the Christus 086A 08/30/1975
Mitskog, Curtis Garden of the Christus 003A 05/15/2013
Mitskog, Fritzof Garden of the Christus 086A 05/11/1973
Mittag, Carl Garden of the Christus 052D 10/31/1963
Mittag, Dwaine Garden of the Christus 052B 07/16/2022
Mittag, Earl Garden of the Christus 052B 11/01/2010
Mittag, Herman Garden of the Christus 064B 03/12/1960
Mittag, Mary J Garden of the Christus 052B 11/21/2016
Mittag, Mathilda Garden of the Christus 052D 05/14/1975
Mittag, Maxine Garden of Prayer 039D 11/19/2018
Mittendorf, Frances Garden of the Christus 052C 12/26/1998
Mittendorf, Sylan Garden of the Christus 051B 11/06/1995
Mitzel, Agatha Garden of the Christus 108C 11/29/2017
Mitzel, Dorothy Garden of the Christus 108C 09/03/2016
Mitzel, Ivan Garden of the Christus 153C 11/03/2010
Mitzel, Lyle Garden of the Christus 108C 11/22/2005
Mitzel, Marvin Garden of the Christus 108C 12/18/2001
Mitzel, Sophie Garden of the Christus 079A 10/08/2010
Mitzel, William Garden of the Christus 108A 09/29/2014
Moe, Carren Old Fairview B 10/03/1935
Moellenkamp, Barbara Old Fairview C 12/2005
Moeller, Deetta Garden of Prayer 044C 12/10/2010
Moeller, Irvin Garden of Prayer 044C 05/19/2011
Moen, Erling Old Fairview B 11/18/1992
Moen, Leila Old Fairview B 09/11/2002
Moen, Monroe Garden of Prayer 100B 08/28/1990
Moen, Renee Garden of Prayer 100B 06/16/2018
Mohs, Baby Old Fairview D 08/28/1928
Mohs, Bertha Old Fairview D 02/16/1972
Mohs, Carl J Old Fairview D 10/04/1943
Mohs, Charles Old Fairview D 03/03/1934
Mohs, Charles Old Fairview D 06/15/1945
Mohs , Emma Old Fairview D 06/30/1961
Mohs, Gustauv Old Fairview D 01/22/1951
Mohs, James Old Fairview D 10/04/2011
Mohs, Magdelena Old Fairview D 06/11/1929
Mohs, Marian Garden of Prayer 077A 08/09/2000
Mohs, Vernon Garden of Prayer 77A 05/24/2019
Mollerud, Earl Old Fairview A 11/06/1951
Mollerud, Edythe Old Fairview A 08/08/1983
Mollerud, Theodore Old Fairview A 11/06/1951
Monson, Dennis Garden of the Christus 177C 05/16/2019
Monson, Dorothy Garden of the Christus 177C 12/20/2018
Montgomery, Evelyn Garden of the Christus 152B 07/24/2022
Montgomery, James Garden of the Christus 152A 07/14/1997
Montgomery, Lois Garden of the Christus 152A 07/14/1997
Moody, George E Old Fairview D 12/09/1911
Moore, Brian Garden of the Christus 002A 07/18/1983
Moore, Hugh Old Fairview D 10/23/1999
Moore, Ida Old Fairview B 07/23/1963
Moore, Inez Garden of the Christus 019B 05/17/2011
Moore, Rose Old Fairview D 10/26/2014
Moore, Scott Garden of the Christus 002A 01/01/1981
Moore, Walter Garden of the Christus 019B 08/24/2000
Morden, Lillian Old Fairview C 07/16/1941
Morden, Nellie Old Fairview C 06/12/1958
Morden, Wallace Old Fairview C 06/14/1961
Morel, Mardell Old Fairview B 02/15/2017
Morley, Catherine Old Fairview B 03/14/1934
Morley, James Old Fairview B 04/05/1937
Morris, Alice Garden of the Christus 131C 10/15/1958
Morris, Alma Garden of the Christus 131C 12/12/2007
Morris, Howard, Sr Garden of the Christus 131C 06/01/1980
Mosheim, Inga Old Fairview B 09/16/1920
Moss, June Garden of the Christus 044C 05/02/1995
Moss, Raymond Garden of the Christus 044C 07/09/1988
Mrzena, Anthony Old Fairview B 08/02/1935
Mrzena, Katie Old Fairview B 11/20/1939
Muehlberg, Erma Garden of the Christus 116D 10/14/1996
Muehlberg, Leland Garden of the Christus 116D 08/24/1998
Muehlberg, Margaret Garden of the Christus 090C 05/23/2008
Muehlberg, Orville Garden of the Christus 094B 04/09/1992
Muehlberg, Sarah Garden of the Christus 094B 11/16/1998
Muehlberg, Wilard Garden of the Christus 090C 03/25/2000
Muehler, Alma Garden of the Christus 061A 05/11/1992
Muehler, Alvin Garden of Prayer 014D 10/01/1993
Muehler, Arthur Garden of Prayer 014D 11/20/1986
Muehler, Brian Garden of the Christus 061A 10/09/1991
Muehler, Edward Garden of Prayer 014D 08/22/1975
Muehler, Elsie Old Fairview A 08/13/1933
Muehler, Elsie "Pat" Garden of Prayer 014C 06/23/2018
Muehler, Ewald Garden of Prayer 014C 11/05/1992
Muehler, Floyd Garden of the Christus 036D 05/11/1993
Muehler, Herman Garden of the Christus 061A 07/06/1995
Muehler, Lois Garden of the Christus 036D 04/18/2003
Muehler, Richard Garden of Prayer 014D 04/23/1991
Muelhberg, Bonnie Garden of the Christus 116D 11/07/2014
Mueller, Arthur Garden of the Christus 160D 09/08/2001
Mueller, Dorothy Garden of the Christus 160D 04/12/2021
Muir, Caroline Garden of the Christus 092C 05/31/1996
Muir, Jean Garden of the Christus 092C 08/31/2011
Muir, Walter Garden of the Christus 092C 10/27/1987
Mullenix, Patricia Garden of the Christus 062D 06/12/1993
Mulligan, Debra Garden of the Christus 049B 10/27/2006
Mumm, Detlaff Garden of the Christus 152C 04/07/1977
Mumm, Heather E Garden of Prayer 150D 09/07/2023
Mumm, Jack Garden of Prayer 149C 2010
Mumm, Paulma Garden of the Christus 152C 07/12/2004
Mundel, Elmer Garden of the Christus 089A 06/03/1997
Mundel, Mildred Garden of the Christus 089A 09/12/2005
Munson, Bella Garden of the Christus 003A 01/26/1961
Munson, Bernard "Bun" Garden of the Christus 081C 01/06/2016
Munson, Joel Old Fairview C 01/13/1957
Munson, Lily Old Fairview C 07/12/2004
Munson, Russell Garden of the Christus 003A 01/26/1961
Murray, Jessie Lahren Old Fairview A-9-2 06/20/2014
Myer, Little Garden of the Christus 092B 09/09/1964
Myers , Irvin Garden of the Christus 092B 10/04/2008
Myers, Dean Garden of the Christus 056B 09/17/2013
Myers, Ernest Garden of the Christus 092B 04/20/2012
Myers, Louise Garden of the Christus 092B 08/18/2001
Myhra, Elmer Old Fairview D 05/04/1944
Myhra, May M Old Fairview D 01/14/1925
Myrha, Richard Old Fairview D 07/23/1963